Privacy Policy

Who we are

Be World Class Education LTD, a private limited company registered in England and Wales(company number: 14891465), hereafter referred to as “BeWorldClass,” is an organisation devoted to nurturing student growth in primary and secondary education through an innovative platform and framework of skills and competencies. 

We are a Data Processor in relation to the personal data which we process.  Unless we have agreed with You in written agreement we will not be Your Data Controller.  We are committed to protecting your personal data in line with the Data Protection Act 2018 (the “Act”).

The central contact for anything related to this Notice or data protection matters generally can be contacted through

If a definition is not set out during this Notice then it appears at the end. 


What is personal data?

Under section 3(2) of the Act: “Personal data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable living individual.

Under section 3(3) of the Act “Identifiable living individual” means a living individual who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to—

(a) an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data or an online identifier, or

(b) one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of the individual.

Personal data is, in simpler terms, any information about You that enables You to be identified. Personal data covers obvious information such as your name and contact details, but it also covers less obvious information such as identification numbers, electronic location data, and other online identifiers.

Processing personal data

The purpose of this Notice is to explain how and why we collect personal data, what we do with it and what rights You may have in relation to our processing of Your personal data.  We have divided this Notice up into different sections to explain things more clearly.  Some of sections may overlap with each other. 

This Notice applies to Your personal data we collect.  We may collect it in a number of different ways inclfcuding but not limited to via our website at and/or via the BeWorldClass platform which is accessed via

We process personal data relating to:

  • schools and other educational facilities (“Schools”), 
  • their members of staff,
  • their students, 
  • parents /carers,
  • persons who contact us via our website, email or telephone,
  • users of the BeWorldClass Platform,
  • BeWorldClass suppliers and partners,
  • third party suppliers.

We may have a number of reasons to process your personal data but our primary reasons for doing so are to supply services to Schools including the BeWorldClass Platform;

What personal data do we collect and how?

In the first part of this section we have set out in general terms the Personal Data we collect and how we obtain it. In the second part of this section we have provided some specific examples of how we may interact with You and the personal data we collect in relation to You.  These examples are illustrative only and not exclusive of all such data we may collect when interacting with You or the methods under which we collect such data. 

Part 1 – below we describe in general terms the Personal Data we collect and how we obtain it.

We will collect, store, and use some or all of the following categories of personal data about You or in certain limited circumstances Your family members or others associated with You such as parents/carers: 

  • personal details and identifiers, such as name, title, addresses, telephone numbers, personal email addresses, date of birth, gender or passport number or other identifiers;
  • professional details, such as title or qualification;
  • identification documentation, such as copies of Your passport, driving licence, national or work ID card, or other documentation required by law (which may include photographs of Your face and shoulders);
  • IT information, such as emails and browser history and voice communications to the extent that it is retained on any of our computers, laptops or systems; relating to your access of our websites and applications, including but not limited to traffic data, location data and other communication data (such as IP addresses) and the resources that are accessed;
  • relationship and account management information, which may include preferences for types of products or services, marketing events or materials;
  • legal and regulatory information, which may include information relating to opening and maintaining a relationship with You or those who You work for and discharge of our legal and regulatory obligations;
  • bank and other accounting information;
  • other information, relating to Your School life, activities, interests or private life which You or a third party provides to us including where they are part of messages or conversations sent through our website, systems or networks or entered in the BeWorldClass Platform; and
  • text, information, data, words, images, audio material, images that You or a third party have entered on the BeWorldClass Platform or on social media generally.

We may also collect, store and use the following Special Categories of more sensitive Personal Data: 

  • information about any disability or other health factor(s) that You or a parent/carer may have, information on Your health, including any medical condition, to enable us to make adjustments to the way in which we provide our services;
  • information about criminal convictions and offences where required by applicable law or regulation, to comply with our internal compliance requirements;
  • information about any disability or other health factor(s) that are applicable to You where You interact with us and which would include where You are a visitor to our premises or guest to an event that we are arranging and have special requirements whether access, dietary or otherwise;
  • any Special Categories of Personal Data that You or a third party enters into the BeWorldClass Platform; and
  • ethnicity data for equality and diversity purposes.

Except where we have referred to it in this section 4 (i) it is unlikely that we will process Special Categories of Personal Data about you, for example, information relating to politics, religion, trade union membership, genetics, biometrics, health, sex life or sexual orientation and (ii) we collect or otherwise process any of the foregoing information we will obtain your express consent to do so.

Save as set out in this Notice will never share Special Categories of Personal Data outside of BeWorldClass without your consent.

How might we collect Your Personal Data?

Usually this will be from the information submitted by You or a relevant third party such as a parent/carer or the School or Your employer where Your firm provides us with services.  It may also be from information we collect during our provision of the services and products we have referred to in section 3 and this section 4.  We may further collect Personal Data about You from Third Parties such as those listed below (although this will generally be where we are receiving services):

  • while monitoring our technology tools and services, including our websites and voice and electronic communications sent to and from us;
  • any website or electronic services that we provide or make available to You;
  • third party websites and social media;
  • credit reference providers, registries, Companies House or other organisations that help us and others to reduce the incidence of fraud or in the course of carrying out identity, fraud prevention or credit control checks;
  • government, quasi government departments and regulators;
  • third Party vendors who provide information on individuals.

Part 2 – below are some examples of how we may interact with You and the Personal Data we may collect in relation to You:

  • Students using the BeWorldClass Platform – we may collect Your name, date of birth, gender, email address, School, year group/class and information about BeWorldClass characteristics, an brief explanation, and evidence against our assessment framework of characteristics 
  • Staff participating in the BeWorldClass Platform – we may collect Your name, role and School;
  • Where you use the BeWorldClass Website – we ,may collected web-server logs and statistical information on usage generally.  Where you enter information on to the website we will collect information You enter including your name, email address and telephone number;
  • BeWorldClass students – Your School may provide us with your name, school, year group and email address. Where you have requested references we may hold information on UCAS or other relevant applications;
  • BeWorldClass Alumni Students – you will have provided us with your name, year group, the name of your School and your email address. You may have provided us with a personal profile for publication on the BeWorldClass website, and where You have requested references or applied for a voluntary role we may hold information on UCAS or other relevant applications;
  • BeWorldClass contacts – through the signup process You may have provided us with Your name, position, the name of Your School, Your email address and telephone number;
  • BeWorldClass online enquirers – if You have made an enquiry via the BeWorldClass website we will collect Your name, organisation, email address and telephone number;
  • BeWorldClass suppliers and other partners – we may collect Your data from publicly available sources, if You give it to us or if a mutual connection puts us in touch. Typically, we collect Your name, email address and telephone number but may also process Your account details where we need to pay You.

What do we use Your Personal Data for?

We collect, use, disclose, transfer and store Personal Data when needed to provide our services and for our operational and business purposes as described in this Notice.  We look after Your Personal Data, we process it in compliance with the Act, we store it and destroy it securely.  We do not collect or retain excessive amounts of Personal Data. We use reasonable endeavours to protect it from loss, misuse, unauthorised access and disclosure and ensure that appropriate technical measures are in place to protect it.

We want to be clear about our privacy practices so You can make informed choices about the use of Your Personal Data.  In the first part of this section we have set out in general terms the grounds upon which we may process your Personal Data. In the second part of this section we have provided some specific examples of how we may use Your Personal Data.

Part 1 – the grounds upon which we may process your Personal Data.

We will usually only process Your Personal Data on one or more of the following grounds or basis:

  • it is necessary for us to comply with our legal or regulatory obligations including to comply with court orders and exercise and/or defend our legal rights, as otherwise permitted or required by any applicable law or regulation;
  • it is necessary for us to perform our contractual obligations under an agreement or business arrangement we have entered into with You (or a School or Third Party), or in order to take steps at Your or the Third Party’s request prior to entering into such an agreement or arrangement.  We may use this basis for processing Personal Data relating to staff, students on a BeWorldClass programme or who have subscribed to the BeWorldClass Platform and volunteer assessors;
  • where it is necessary for our legitimate interests (or those of a School or Third Party) and Your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests including:
  • for monitoring and assessing compliance with our policies and standards;
  • for promotional and marketing activities (unless You have requested that we should not use Your Personal Data for marketing);
  • to identify persons as authorised to give instructions on behalf of Schools or other relevant Third Parties; and
  • for administrative purposes in relation to the security and access of our systems, offices, the BeWorldClass Platform and BeWorldClass website.

Specifically, we may use this basis in the following situations and for the following legitimate interests:

  • to facilitate successful use of the BeWorldClass Platform in order to improve World Class characteristics in students;
  • to facilitate BeWorldClass competitions and programs, process in order to identify and award students and Schools in the UK and other countries;
  • to promote BeWorldClass suppliers and other partner organisations with the capacity to help improve the quality of the education offered by non-selective state schools in the UK and other countries.

Where You have consented to us processing Your Personal Data.

Some of the above grounds for processing will overlap and there may be several grounds which justify use of Your Personal Data.

We will use Your Personal Data for the purposes for which we collected it, unless we reasonably consider that we need to use it for another reason and that reason is compatible with the original purpose. If we need to use Your Personal Data for an unrelated purpose, we will provide notice thereof and we will explain the legal basis for which we do so, which may include by updating this Notice.

Please note that we may process your Personal Data for additional purposes without Your consent, in compliance with the above provisions, where this is required or permitted by law.

Part 2 – illustrations of how we may use your Personal Data. 

In relation to the BeWorldClass Platform:

  • Providing and managing Your or Your School’s accounts including use Your email address to contact You in relation to any matters raising relating to Your School’s BeWorldClass Platform subscription;
  • Providing and managing Your or Your School’s access;
  • Sharing information about students with staff within Your School, in terms of whether students have proved characteristics or not
  • Communicating with You.  This may include responding to emails or calls from a student or a School and its staff;
  • Supplying School’s with information in-system, by email to facilitate the running of the app; and 
  • Analysing student’s and others and School’s  use of the BeWorldClass Platform and gathering feedback from You to enable us to continually improve the App and Your user experience.

For BeWorldClass subscribing Schools:

  • we use Your email address to share relevant information relating to Your BeWorldClass subscription, as well as events, offers, resources, opportunities and benefits we feel will be of interest to our subscribed Schools;
  • where you have provided us with a telephone number we may contact You directly about opportunities that may arise to help Your school and students capitalise on Your BeWorldClass Subscription. Whether this is Your personal or school telephone number will depend on the number You have provided;
  • information to facilitate a school / student mentorship / moderation process; and
  • we use Your school postcode to determine whether people in Your area are likely to go to university using The Office for Students POLAR higher education participation measure. In addition, we also use postcode data to determine which category of ACORN neighbourhood BeWorldClass students come from. We use this data to apply for funding from higher education Access funds, which prioritise those from areas less likely to attend university. We may use such information for processing of other metrics likely to benefit BeWorldClass and other Schools.

For BeWorldClass students and BeWorldClass Alumni:  

  • for students undertaking the assessment process we will share Your name, year group, the name of Your school and, where this is provided, Your school email address, with Your assessors, the assessment team and Your BeWorldClass Assessment Centre peers, in order to facilitate the assessment process;  
  • for student assessors, we will use Your information to identify the relevant level of training required, to match You with the students You will be assessing, and to contact You with information and guidance on Your role as a BeWorldClass assessor. Your name, age, the name of Your school and Your email address will be shared with the students You will be assessing; if we are remunerating You, we will require your bank details
  • if you have provided us with Your personal profile this will be shared on the BeWorldClass website;
  • if You have signed up to the BeWorldClass Alumni Association we will contact You regularly with news, events, offers and opportunities we feel are relevant to help You get the most value from Your membership.

For BeWorldClass suppliers and partners:

  • to promote Your organisation on the BeWorldClass website in line with your Supplier Agreement;  
  • to send You information, promotional and sponsorship opportunities which we feel may be of interest to You or Your Organisation;
  • to investigate and address Your queries and questions including those you raise with by contacting us via our website and by emailing
  • to send You information about BeWorldClass products and services; and
  • to process a donation You make.

Who do we share your Personal Data with?

We may also share your Personal Data outside BeWorldClass. Usually this is for limited purposes to do with the services and products we provide under section 1. It may include:

  • Schools for a variety of reasons referred to earlier in this Notice;
  • Third Parties we have referred to in other sections of this Notice as part of the services we provide to You such as UCAS or for the purpose of providing references or where we refer to them on our website at [insert];
  • Third Parties which provide us with products and services including but not limited to:
  • G-Suite – where we store your Personal Data in their secure cloud based service. We also use G mail for email communications. You can find more information  at [insert];

If we have a contract or arrangement with another organisation to provide services on our behalf or if we share information with other parties as set out above, we’ll make sure that they also have appropriate security measures in place and only process Your personal data in accordance with our instructions and not for any other purpose.

How long do we hold Your Personal Data for?

We will only hold your information for as long as is necessary for the purposes for which it has been collected  which is usually for as long as you have an active relationship with BeWorldClass, as long as the law requires or in order to safeguard our legitimate interests or business needs.  

Using the BeWorldClass Website does some all or none of this apply to the App too?

This is a separate section on using the BeWorldClass Website.  Your personal data may be collected via the BeWorldClass website in two ways:

  • web-server logs; and
  • the entering of name, email addresses, mobile phone numbers.

In addition, we may gather personal data:

  • from the personal data you provide to us; and
  • from information you provide to us via social media or other forums.

Web server logs

When You visit the BeWorldClass website, Your visit is logged by our web server as is the case with most websites. This log information is statistically analysed by our staff to show trends in the use of the website, such as the popularity of particular pages.

This log information does not identify You personally. It does not identify Your email address. It may include the IP address and/or fully qualified domain name of the computer You use. You should be aware that this information might identify the organisation you work for (if You access the Site from your place of work), or Your Internet Service Provider (ISP).

We may log clicks on the links to other websites that are included in the BeWorldClass website. This is to help us determine the popularity of such links. Since this link-logging is included in our web logs, it will record the identity of the computer making the request but does not identify You personally.

If you access the BeWorldClass website by way of a hardware firewall, a proxy server or any other kind of router (such as a dial-up modem connection at Your ISP) then it is the address of the router that will appear in our logs and not the address of your computer.


During the course of Your use of the BeWorldClass website you may choose to enter Your name / email address / phone number when submitting a query via the ‘Contact Us’ page. This information will only be used in accordance with the terms of this Notice. 


The BeWorldClass website uses cookies and other tracking technologies. To read how cookies and tracking technologies work and what they are used for on this site and to see a list of the companies that use these cookies and technologies and how they use them please read our Cookie Policy at the bottom of this page. Please continue to use this site as normal if you are happy with the current cookie settings. You can change your cookies preferences or disable cookies via your browser. 

Hyperlinks to other websites

The BeWorldClass website contains hyperlinks to websites owned and operated by third parties. These websites have their own privacy policies and terms of use and we urge you to review them. They will govern the use of personal data You submit whilst visiting these websites. BeWorldClass does not accept any responsibility or liability for the privacy practices of such third party websites and Your use of such websites is at Your own risk.

Your rights and Your Personal Data

Under certain circumstances, You have the right to:

  • Access to Personal Data. If You request access to your Personal Data, we will comply, subject to any relevant legal requirements and exemptions, including identity verification procedures. Before providing data to you, we will ask for proof of identity and sufficient information about your interaction with us so that we can locate any relevant data;
  • Correction and deletion. You have the right to correct or amend your Personal Data if it is inaccurate or requires updating. You may also have the right to request deletion of your Personal Data; however, this is not always possible due to legal requirements and other obligations and factors;
  • Object to processing. You have the right to object to the processing of Your Personal Data where we are relying on a legitimate interest (or those of a Third Party) and there is something about Your particular situation which makes you want to object to processing on this ground
  • Request the restriction of processing. You have the right to request the restriction of processing of Your Personal Data. This enables You to ask us to suspend the processing of Personal Data about You, for example if You want us to establish its accuracy or the reason for processing it;
  • Request the transfer, of Your Personal Data to another party in certain situations.  This applies to Personal Data on which we have carried out automated processing;
  • Filing a complaint. If you are not satisfied with how we manage your Personal Data, you have the right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner who may be contacted at .

If you would like to exercise any of the rights set out above in (a) to (e) then please email the data protection contact at .  You will need to provide us with enough information to identify you and where relevant where relevant, provide us with proof of your identity and address (a certified copy of your driving licence or passport and a recent utility or credit card bill or a certified copy of your authority).  You will need to also provide us with the information to which your request relates so we can act upon it.  

Where appropriate, we will respond to your requests relating to your Personal Data in writing or by email.  If you require our response in a different format, please let us know. Please note that upon receipt of such a request, we may come back to you requesting clarification. 

If you have a concern about the way we are collecting or using your personal data, you should raise your concern with us or directly to the Information Commissioner’s Office at

Please note that if your Personal Data changes then you may need to notify us in writing of such changes. 


You may notify us if you no longer wish to receive marketing materials in the manner we designate in any relevant communication or by emailing us at or your usual relationship contact (if applicable) stating which material you would like to unsubscribe from. We shall endeavour to do so promptly, however it may take a number of days to action.

Changes to this Privacy Notice

We may change this Notice from time to time. You should check this Notice to ensure you are aware of the most recent version.

If you are not willing to provide your Personal Data then You will not be able to benefit from many of our services or participate in our subscription / assessment processes.

How to contact us

If you have any queries regarding how we process your data, please contact us at .


“You” and “Your” relates to individuals whose Personal Data we process during the course of our businesses and our relationships either with such individual or with Third Parties (as defined below); or through your use of our website(s). We may not have a direct relationship with you but with the Third Party for or with which you work or to which you provide services. However, where you are an individual, this Notice will apply to you (even if you are a customer or service provider and would otherwise fall under the definition of Third Parties).  You are a ‘data subject’ (as defined in the Act).

Do you want to include School as part of TP or keep it separate ?  need to check references for the latter if that is the case which is fine “Third Parties” means entities which we engage with and are not part of BeWorldClass.  Third Parties may include, but not be limited to, (i) our past, present and prospective customers, clients and counterparties and those corporate entities which provide services to them; or (ii) entities which provide goods and services to us.

“Special Categories” of Personal Data include: information revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union memberships and genetic data or biometric data, health data or data containing sexual orientation.

This Notice  was last updated as of 29th May 2023.


Our site uses cookies and other tracking technologies. To read how cookies and tracking technologies work and what they are used for on this site and to see a list of the companies that use these cookies and technologies and how they use them please read our Cookie Policy here. Please continue to use this site as normal if you are happy with the current cookie settings. You can change your cookies preferences or disable cookies via your browser.

Hyperlinks to other websites

This Site contains hyperlinks to websites owned and operated by third parties. These websites have their own privacy policies and terms of use and we urge you to review them. They will govern the use of personal data you submit whilst visiting these websites. BeWorldClass does not accept any responsibility or liability for the privacy practices of such third party websites and your use of such websites is at your own risk.

Your rights and your personal data

You have rights regarding your personal data. You can:

  • request a copy of your data that We hold;
  • request that we correct any personal data that is incorrect or out of date;
  • request your personal data is deleted if it is no longer necessary for us to process it;
  • withdraw your consent to the processing at any time;
  • request your personal data is transferred to another data controller (this is called data portability);
  • request a restriction is placed on further processing your data; and
  • object to how your personal data is processed.

If you have a concern about the way we are collecting or using your personal data, you should raise your concern with us or directly to the Information Commissioner’s Office at or other relevant supervisory authority.

This policy was last updated as of May 2023.

Cookie Policy

In order for this site to work properly, and in order to evaluate and improve the site we and other third party organisations with whom we work may collect information by using small files and other tracking technologies on your computer (for simplicity we refer to all such technologies as “cookies”). Over 90% of all websites do this. By continuing to use this site you agree to our using cookies as described below. You can opt out of the use of cookies by following the links below, though please bear in mind that if you do the performance and your enjoyment of our site may be affected.

There are a variety of cookies used on the BeWorldClass website, mostly to improve the user experience and help us tailor content to user need.

What Are Cookies?

Cookies are tiny text files that are stored on your computer, tablet or mobile phone when you visit a website. The cookies mean that the website will remember you and how you’ve used the site every time you come back.

What Cookies Are In Place

Google Analytics

Having as effective a website as possible really matters to us as a small charity. That is why we, like many other organisations, use Google Analytics to help us understand how you use the site so that we can improve your experience. These cookies track things such as how long you spend on the site and the pages that you visit because by knowing this we can see which content is most engaging which helps us in planning future work.

For more information on Google Analytics cookies, see the official Google Analytics page.


We use Facebook to communicate with people interested in our work through unpaid posts and we may also use Facebook for paid advertising of our events and initiatives. We want our limited advertising budget to have maximum effect so will use cookies to measure the effectiveness of any paid campaign on Facebook. Cookies also enable us to target or exclude those who have visited our website.

For more information on Facebook cookies please visit

Disabling Cookies

You can prevent the setting of cookies by adjusting the settings on your browser (see your browser ‘Help’ for how to do this). Please be aware that disabling cookies may affect the functionality of this and many other websites that you visit.

Changes To This Cookies Policy

From time to time we may update this Cookies Policy. This may be necessary, for example, if the law changes or if we change the way in which we as a charity use cookies. If we do, we will publish the changes on this site and you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the policy on your first use following the alterations. We recommend that you check this page regularly to keep up to date.

If you have any queries about this Cookies Policy please email us at